BSI Aims To Make Each Day Count Until December Deadline


28 August 2003 

Over 500 UK companies to update every day to meet cut-off date

The latest figures from BSI Management Systems indicate that as few as 60-65 per cent have updated to ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard from the old ISO 9000 certificates (introduced in 1994). Companies now only have until December 15th to transfer.

This percentage is based on a projection of the national trend revealed in the 12th cycle of the ISO survey, which showed only a 16 per cent transfer rate in December 2002 by the 61,000 UK organisations that hold the old standard.

Errol Taylor BSI Management Systems' head of global marketing says: "While the national figures have improved significantly over 2003, time is running out. Our intention now is to commit to helping UK clients to upgrade successfully from the old quality management standard to the current ISO 9001:2000. It is still not too late for many companies to do so. BSI is working as efficiently and as fairly as it can to assist those companies wishing to meet this important standard.

Since the beginning of the 2003, BSI has been targeting specific industries with a clear and consistent message to update in time for the December deadline. In BSI's view the transition to the new standard is a vital step for businesses wanting to maintain a competitive advantage and acceptability in today's increasingly sophisticated and global supply chains.

Over the last 3 years, BSI has communicated the important benefits offered by ISO 9001:2000, particularly in the area of improved customer focus.

ISO 9001:2000 was created in response to feedback from organisations worldwide who wanted their quality systems to be more flexible and closely aligned to their strategic objectives. ISO 9001:2000 has four distinct new benefits:

less red tape - companies will find it easier to show that they satisfy regulatory requirements 
focus on customer satisfaction - the updated standard helps companies ensure that customer service is vital to their operation

more flexible - the updated standard is more flexible, enabling companies to run quality management systems the way that is most relevant to them

focus on continual improvement - based on the proven cycle of Plan, Do, Check and Act.

The standard was changed to benefit those companies certified to it; it is less bureaucratic than the old standard and focuses more on customer satisfaction. The updated standard will be of real benefit to all UK companies and organisations but they risk missing out if they don't transfer from the old standard.

When the ISO 9001:2000 version was published it both superseded and combined the 1994 family of editions which included ISO 9001, 9002 and 9003. The transition period was announced in December 2000, allowing a longer than usual period of three years.

In today's increasingly competitive and globalised markets, it is worth noting that the ISO survey shows that there has been considerable growth of certification to ISO 9001:2000 in the Far East with China leading the way.

"It is vital for UK organisations to stay ahead of their competitors by keeping up with the latest trends such as adopting ISO 9001:2000 in time for the deadline of 15th December 2003", concludes Errol Taylor.

Organisations looking for certification to ISO 9001:2000 should contact BSI Management Systems Helpdesk on 020 8996 7720.


For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330